The Leland Report draws 34,000+ sessions and 55,000+ page views a month, make your business stand out in the Sponsored Link section viewable on most of the website pages.
Purchase Sponsored Ad - Check list under "Featured Products" to the right on this page for advertisement options on the Leland Report. Click on the item to see more details.
Current advertisement options:
- Sidebar "Sponsored" section - This section can support up to a 120x60 button advertisement or a smaller image + text. We will contact you after your purchase to determine which you would like to use. Rates are charged per month.
Terms of Service
We will: - display ads for businesses, online or brick and mortar, located in Michigan or with a Michigan theme, especially Leelanau county, and other businesses at our discretion
- display ads of a personal nature if requested as long as they do not cross into the themes listed below.
About Ads - Ads can link to a website of your choosing as long as the subject matter does not cross into the themes listed below.
- Ads are not required to link to another website.
- Text must be around 100 characters maximum including urls but we will not refuse any that are slightly over.
- Small icons can be included in the text (no more than 50px wide or high)
Ads that are comprised of an image can have a url of any length as long as the image is the link.
We will NOT: - display ads referencing themes of a pornographic or sexual nature,
- display any type of drug or pharmaceutical/tobacco product
We have the right to refuse submitted advertisements based on subject matter.